Synthesis & Analysis

In the world of chemistry, there are no problems, only challenges. At Wateren, we specialize in accepting these challenges and finding innovative solutions. Whether it’s synthesizing complex organic compounds, identifying and isolating impurities, or developing analytical methods – we’re here for you. Our highly qualified experts are always up-to-date with the latest technology and use state-of-the-art methods to achieve the best possible results. We place great emphasis on quality and sustainability and are proud to offer our customers reliable and effective solutions.

At Wateren, we work closely with our customers to understand their needs and requirements. We always strive to provide our customers with the best possible service and exceed their expectations. Trust us and let us work together to overcome challenges and achieve success.

Synthetic route design and/or optimization

If you have designed a molecule but don’t have a synthetic route available, or if your current synthesis is not producing the desired results, we can help. Our team of experts can assist you in synthetic route design and optimization based on your preconditions, ensuring that you get the results you need.

Analysis and analytical method development

Our analysis and analytical method development services are designed to provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions. Whether you have an unidentified compound and need structural elucidation, or require an independent analysis, our talented team is ready to help. We also love reverse engineering and can help you understand the composition of your samples.


We are renowned for our trusted solution innovations applying expertise across the technology value chain to address complex,  challenges, such as environmental,  water and energy utilities

We work across  key market sectors: Energy utilities and waste; government and public sector; industrial and manufacturing. We deliver technologically advanced solutions that ensure access to clean air and water; cross-sector engineering solutions to accelerate innovation to support global net zero and industry agendas.

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